This is a struggle to make them visible, to give them the place they deserve, the place that belongs to them as fighters, as brave, for BRAVAS.
Women in Fishing were historically ignored and in many cases looked down upon. This is their moment, the moment of the Bravas do Mar, and that is why this book and this initiative are so important. Because now it’s time to fish for the Equality.
#EUSONBrava are stories of real women, in different fields related to the fishing sector. A masculinized sector over time, and that here is going to be written in feminine. Because it is intended that the future involves a change, that those who come after have no doubt of their worth and that they can be what they want.
The Organization of Fisheries Producers of the Port and Ría de Marín, OPROMAR, develops this work within its 2020 Production and Marketing Plan, co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia and the FEMP.
OPROMAR wants to invite you to know the world of the sea and fishing through an unforgettable trip where incredible women will tell you how exciting this world is.
What is OPROMAR? Well, it is an organization formed by shipbuilding companies that own fishing boats that catch fish in all oceans so that later you can enjoy them on your plate.
Fishing is a very important activity in Galicia. In fact, its origin dates back to prehistory, where it was simply fished on the coastal strip for own consumption. Now there is a very important industry behind fishing, from the assembly companies that catch the fish to the processing companies that make it, passing through the distribution companies that buy and sell the product.
Research, advisory and political decision-making organizations in each country with an interest in marine resources are also part of the fisheries sector.

Our protagonists and the book #EUSONBrava
Through Bravas del Mar we wanted to publicize the history of women in fishing that we hope will enchant and inspire.
Being Brava is great, but being Brava del Mar is extraordinary. Because Brava means excellence and strength, all together.
If you want to get to know our Bravas a little more, listen to them talk about their profession and their lives in the interviews that OPROMAR gave them for this special occasion.If you want to get to know our Bravas a little more, listen to them talk about their profession and their lives in the interviews that OPROMAR gave them for this special occasion.
Do not doubt that they are women with clear ideas, who love their work and for whom teamwork is the key.
For them, learning from mistakes is essential and they do not know that to be successful in life it is necessary to take risks.Open in Google Translate Feedback

#EuSonBrava BOOK
For the students of 6th grade of primary and 1st of ESO from the centers of the Autonomous Community of Galicia who received information and decided to participate in the OPROMAR proposal, we have prepared a journey of learning and dreams through this website.
If you are a teacher in a center in the Galician Autonomous Community and you want your center to participate, you can contact OPROMAR through the email bravasdomar@opromar.com.
And if you are a girl or a boy from another Galician center or from other courses, or if you are an adult, you can also travel. But you will not be able to take the SURVEY or participate in the CONTEST.
To do this visit our website in GALLEGO.